If someone were to ask you to draw a picture of your heart, what image first comes to mind? Would it be the standard heart-shaped image (❤) most frequently used or the more complex shape of the muscular organ which pumps blood through your circulatory system in your body?

What I’m referring to, however, is the Bible’s description of one’s heart captured by the Greek word, kardiía, which speaks of the heart in both literal and figurative senses. Figuratively, the heart is the innermost part of a human—the seat of one’s physical, spiritual and mental life—the center, source, or fountain of a person’s entire inner life, encompassing thinking, feeling, and volition (one’s decision-making will).

The spiritual heart of a person is the essence of that person and will live forever in eternity (1 Peter 1:9; John 10:28; 6:58; Titus 1:2; 3:7).

As the center of our thoughts (mind), we give ourselves to what we treasure because we find it to be most valuable and satisfying (Matthew 5:8; 6:21; 12:34-35). We love it! As we stand resolved, we are established in our heart (1 Corinthians 7:37). As we think critically, evaluating the world around us, we question and reason in our heart (Mark 2:6, 8). Speaking of our soul, we are to adorn the hidden person of the heart (1 Peter 3:4).

With this in mind, what and whom do you treasure? As you draw a new picture of your heart, filled with people and things that represent your greatest treasures and highest affections, what would it be filled with? Not sure? With whom do you spend your time? On what do you spend your money? What commands your idle thought-life? What do you worry about, fear, or most desire?

How would you react if one or more of those people, objects, hobbies, circumstances were taken away? This is a true barometer of our inner person.

Jesus says we will be blessed, or eternally happy, when our hearts have a single-minded pursuit of God’s wonderful ways with our whole hearts (every facet of our thinking, feeling and doing). As we pursue God’s goals—his kingdom—he will attend to everything else we need, resulting in our greatest joy (Matthew 5:8; 6:33).

What does your drawing of your heart contain? This, friend, is what or whom you worship.

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