I love all the feels of spring—the sights, the sounds, the temperatures (if only they’d stay a bit longer). Spring helps us see life-giving truths about God!

Birds fluttering remind us that God takes care of every detail of our lives. As you hear the chirping of the Cliff Swallow, the Eastern Bluebird, the Goldfinch or the sing-songy Warbler, let it remind you that God is taking care of every need we have! We don’t always look for birds, but with the windows open you hear them or often see them. Hear this as a kind reminder from God that He takes care of the birds and, as Matthew 6:25-34 encourages us, how much more will he take care of those who trust Him.

Are you anxious? God is using His creation this spring to remind you that He exists, that He is eternal and divine, and that He can be fully trusted—for everything. Will your worry solve your problem? No. This is not to minimize your concerns, to be sure. Rather, it is a pointer (or thousands of pointers) from our Creator to turn to Him and lay your cares, concerns, fears, even your debilitating challenges on Him.

God gives us reminders—even warnings like the Veery bird in Delaware who warn of hurricanes—that He is Lord over all, that He cares for us and that He saves all who put their trust in Him for salvation.

Hear Jesus’ gentle and inviting tone as He says, “Come to me, all who weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)

Finding peace in our trouble is not automatic. It comes through responding to the supremely kind invitation of the One who does not only talk a big game but backs it up by giving His own life out of His great love. See the birds who carry no luggage on their travels and let it remind you to lay yours down too and come to Jesus for life and peace.

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