Against the gloomy backdrop of all the personal crises, health concerns, loss of loved ones, political messaging, fear, grief, and confusion, the true message of Christmas shines brightest with all of its anticipation, cheer, expectation, goodwill, and hope.
The true message of Christmas shines more brightly than all the adornments that help us remember this season so fondly. The true Christmas message is about a loving God doing for mankind what we could never accomplish on our own. The true message of Christmas brings a definite solution to an infinite problem.
Humanity’s infinite problem is our preoccupation with living according to the beat of our own drum; prioritizing “our truth” over “God’s truth”; striving to honor mankind rather than honoring God according to the Bible. Our insistence on living according to our own vision of life is what the Bible calls “sin,” and brings with it separation from God—mankind’s true problem that cannot be solved with human reasoning and strength.
The true message of Christmas introduces God’s loving solution—Jesus, His only Son. Jesus came to earth not as “a” help, but as “the” only possible solution because He lived perfectly in every way. He did for us what we could never do for ourselves!
To understand the true message of Christmas, God’s call is to abandon our efforts (repent), believe that Jesus’ efforts are enough (faith), and surrender to Him as the greatest boss of our life. The true message of Christmas is the very best gift one could ever give. And the best gift one could ever receive! Will you respond to Jesus’ call today?
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